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Al-Madrasah Al-Inamiyyah

Private School

Unlock the potential in your child! We are now accepting applications for the 2023/24 school year.

A Place to Grow

I’m so happy to welcome you to Al-Madrasah Al-Inamiyyah Private School. For over 10 years, we have distinguished ourselves by our strong academic and extracurricular programming while encouraging family friendly values in a safe-environment. Our students engage in real world learning that helps them develop essential lifelong skills. They are guided by our dedicated faculty, who bring diverse expertise to their lessons.

 In each classroom, you will find rich experiences with project-based learning, engaging materials, the building of technological proficiency and loads of fun that makes your child want to come to school every day.

It is this environment that allows our students to produce strong EQAO results, perform well in academic and athletic competitions and ultimately build themselves into competent young adults.

We believe in each student. With a growth mindset and the right motivation, we will unlock the potential in your child.

I invite you to get to know our school by coming for a tour, meet our teachers and discover the type of education that can benefit your child. 


Abdul Khan



A School for Students

  • Bully-free environment where we respect and celebrate every child’s uniqueness

  • Fun classes with a mix of individual and collaborative projects

  • Passionate teachers who will be your guide and mentor

  • Daily clubs and committees to participate in: Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Visual Arts, Coding, Public Speaking, etc.

  • Learn Javascript coding through interactive games

  • Small class sizes (max. 16 students)

  • Digital literacy and safety workshops

A School for Parents

  • Peace of mind that your child is immersed in a safe, loving environment

  • Extended hours of care from 7:30am to 5:30pm

  • Personalized curriculum catered to your child’s learning style

  • Approachable principal and teaching staff

  • Proven track record of high EQAO, CTBS, and other student metrics

  • Daily notifications about your child’s school to your smart device via our Edsby Learning Platform

  • Affordable tuition rates

  • Transportation available

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