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Admissions & Fees

Application Process

Step 1 – Get in touch

Step 4 – Submit Application Fee

We invite you to contact us, come for a visit and meet our principal and staff to discover if Al-madrasah Al-inamiyyah is the best fit for you.

Submit a non-refundable $500 registration fee by e-transfer

Step 2 – Complete the Application Forms​

Step 5 – Family Interview

Submit the following items to the school’s office

  • A completed Al-madrasah Al-inamiyyah Private School application form.

  • Copy of child’s health card & immunization record

  • A copy of the applicant’s birth certificate – Long form

  • Copies of the child’s two most recent school report cards.

  • Method of Payment Form

  • A recent photograph of the child

We may schedule a virtual interview to collaborate with families and set unique goals & learning strategies to best support our new student. This gives us a better beginning as we personalize your child’s academic journey and prepare them for success.

Step 6 – Acceptance

Throw the confetti! Once we have reviewed and received all the supporting documents, we will issue an official admissions letter. We can’t wait to welcome your family to our school!

Step 3 – Spend a Day

Once these documents have been submitted, our Admissions Office will review the application and arrange for your child to spend a day on campus. While visiting, we will get to know the strengths and uniqueness of your child. They will go through the daily routine of our school day, meet new friends in their class and spend time with their future teachers.

Deadlines for Applications

*Applications received after these deadlines will be considered on a rolling basis as space permits.

Fees and Due Dates

Domestic Tuition: 

Annual Registration Fee


Due on acceptance

Secondary School Tuition Fee

(September 2023 – June 2024)


  • Materials fee

  • Technology fee (email & storage)

  • Before/After School Care


June 1st, 2023*

*Based on payment schedule

Payment Options

A $500 non-refundable registration fee per child is due upon acceptance to Al-madrasah Al-inamiyyah Private School. The balance of school fees can be paid in three different ways:



Additional Fees


$400 – $500 Approx.

Hot Lunch Program

$400 Approx. per term

School Field Trips and Events

$200 Approx.

UniformSpecial Lunch Days

$50 Approx.

After-School Programs
(e.g. Elite Athletes, Visual Arts, STEM Club, etc.)

$400 – $500 Approx.

Sibling Discount:

10% off for second child, 15% off for third child and any additional children from the same immediate family.

Domestic Fees Policy:

NSF Cheques: All NSF cheques will be subject to a $50.00 service charge.

Outstanding Fees: Any accounts with outstanding fees will be subject to interest charges if made more than 15 days after the due date.

Withdrawal from Al-madrasah Al-inamiyyah Private School: If for any reason, you need to withdraw your child from our school, 60-days written notice via email by the parent/guardian must be given to Al-madrasah Al-inamiyyah Private School before withdrawing your child. If 60-days notice is not provided, fees will continue to be charged for the 60-day period after notice is received and all outstanding balances must be paid before the child is withdrawn.

Absences: Tuition fee will not be reduced for absences, due to extended holiday, illness, or any other reason.

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